The WanderingSoul's profile

Seelenwald ~ Anderswelt (Pt. II)

Landscape Photography
Seelenwald ~ Anderswelt
[Pt. II]
For a few hours, I wandered patiently, advanced from tree to tree in awe. This place was hardly just a grove, felt more like a gathering of souls, resting hidden among misty mountains. The soft whispering of the branches, the murmur of the giants was impossible to overhear. In thick fog, along countless rain showers and guests of wind, I photographed until I finally was soaked, not different to the trees around. We both defended ourselves against wind and time – them, forever; and me, just for the moment. At times, I meant to hear voices, but saw no soul at all. Some of those trees seemed to be the most beautiful and surreal creatures I have ever came close to. After a while, no matter how carefully I’d wandered and how quietly I’d breathed, I realized it to be a different world. Me, for sure a foreigner, maybe even an intruder. Therefore, I retreated, and went from one to the other world. I only left behind, the mystery of who it was that went in there. Without a doubt, I had become someone else.

2023/07/30, listening to Fourteen Nights At Sea

Seelenwald ~ Anderswelt
Pt. I | Pt. II | Monochrome
Seelenwald ~ Anderswelt (Pt. II)

Seelenwald ~ Anderswelt (Pt. II)
